Is Your Stomach Growling?

Do you make a grocery list to help you decide what you are going to eat for the next week? Do you enjoy meeting up with a friend for lunch? Do you look forward to sitting down with your family to a home cooked meal?

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Have you ever felt “off track” because you’ve been so busy, and you haven’t had a chance to eat all day? Not eating can make us feel irritable. It can also cause us to feel negative physical symptoms such as an upset stomach or a headache.

Imagine not having a choice to have food. There simply is none. There is no lunch date with a friend, no weekly planning of meals and weekly trips to the grocery store to stock up your fridge and pantry. No home cooked meal to sit down to with family. The priorities of life have drastically changed from enjoying food as a form of entertainment in our lives to where or when our next meal will come from. And when that meal does arrive, what will it consist of? Could it be from a dumpster? Maybe it’s a can of cat food. Maybe it’s only a slice of bread. Suddenly, life’s priorities are shifted, and nothing else matters. Eating has nothing to do with entertainment and socializing. Eating is only a matter of life and death.

Hunger is a worldwide problem. I’d bet we’d all be shocked to learn that there are people living right around us that suffer from hunger to some degree. Almost 800 million people in this world do not have enough food to live a healthy life. That’s about 1 in 9 people on this earth!!! Poor nutrition causes 45% of deaths in children under five years of age. What’s even more sad is that one third of the food in this world is wasted by those who are privileged enough to have it.

It’s easy to say that people create their own problems by the poor choices they make. If they’d be smarter about their choices, maybe they wouldn’t be in a situation to be hungry. Innocent children are born into hunger without choice. The breadwinner of a family could suddenly die creating an unfortunate financial circumstance for an entire family. You could lose your job due to cutbacks at work. Never count yourself out. Anything is possible. A devastating illness in a family can cause financial impact. We must be careful before we judge.

This is our world, and we are responsible for the condition it is in. If we continue to only be concerned with ourselves, what will happen if we are ever in need some day? Wouldn’t we hope that those in a more fortunate position would somehow help us?

Let’s try to be more conscious of our good fortune. Let’s give where giving is needed. Let’s not waste our food frivolously. Let us consider giving to our local food pantries; maybe add one more item per week to your grocery cart to donate to those in need. We tend to be more generous in these aspects around the holidays, but people suffer from hunger, and fret over where their next meal will come from every day of the year. Let us ask ourselves what we can do to help create a positive change. If we all step up to help, then we can change the world. It starts with us. We all have gifts within us to create goodness in this world. Let’s do our part.

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