Beautiful YOU

Did you ever look at someone else and think that they have the perfect life compared to you? They are better looking. They are talented. They have a better wardrobe. They have more money. Their life seems absolutely perfect without any problems at all. WRONG!!!!!

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Problems don’t discriminate. Insecurities don’t discriminate. We are ALL flawed.

Many famous and highly accomplished people have insecurities, addictions, mental illness, and various other circumstances that they struggle with just like you and me. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You have beautiful qualities, and that is what you have to embrace about yourself. We are all flawed, and what best helps when dealing with the flaws is a sense of humor. Our flaws make us unique. They do not make us failures.

Trust me, I have countless quirks, but no one can laugh at me as much as I can. I do things on a daily basis that I catch myself and say that I should not be behaving that way. I am human. What is important is that I acknowledge it. I am aware. The greater we make our awareness, the less and less we will behave in a way that is undesirable.

It is not a sign of weakness or failure to admit to yourself or someone else that you were wrong about something or behaved poorly. It is not a sign of weakness to apologize for a wrong doing. It is very courageous, very honorable, and it shows great compassion toward whomever you have wronged. You will free yourself when you express an admission or apology to someone else. They will also feel valued by you for your act of apology. Please also remember that YOU count in the act of an apology. Sometimes we even wrong ourselves. Sometimes we owe ourselves an apology for the way we have mistreated ourselves. Wrong doings can be projected onto someone else, or we can place them on ourselves.

It’s important to realize that life comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, cultures, and so on. The point is that we all have value. We ALL matter. We are all here for a reason. We have something to contribute.

Be a good person, realize your flaws. Realize your blunders. Learn from them, and keep moving forward to be the best YOU that you can be.

This month’s challenge: Swallow your pride, and say your sorry whether it is to yourself for treating yourself badly or to someone else for mistreating them. Own your actions.
It’s normal to feel small for having to apologize. That is the point. When we do something we know was wrong, then we are ashamed. It’s like a biological punishment to ourselves when we feel shame. We know we are wrong about something, and therefore, we carry shame inside for it. Own your actions by apologizing, and release the shame. You will feel so much better about yourself for having done so.

I invite you to post your experiences or thoughts about this challenge. Possibly you can help to encourage someone else, or someone else may have some encouraging words for you.

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