Life Changes in the Blink of an Eye

Life changes in the blink of an eye. It’s true otherwise that saying would not exist. Emotional and physical traumas can cause life to spiral right out of control. Depression, job loss, addiction, abuse – physical and emotional, veterans of war,...

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The City Mission of Buffalo

Did you know that the City Mission of Buffalo started in 1917? I’ve always known of the City Mission of Buffalo as a place the homeless can go formeals. That is how it started – as a soup kitchen. However, due to all the economic hardshipsover...

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2022 Cause

Nulla laoreet sodales posuere. Nunc sed diam ultrices, sollicitudin sapien a, vulputate lectus. Nulla ultricies purus sed justo vulputate pulvinar.

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Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger is a global humanitarian organization which originated in France and is committed to ending world hunger. The organization helps malnourished children and provides communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to...

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Is Your Stomach Growling?

Do you make a grocery list to help you decide what you are going to eat for the next week? Do you enjoy meeting up with a friend for lunch? Do you look forward to sitting down with your family to a home cooked meal?

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Beautiful YOU

Did you ever look at someone else and think that they have the perfect life compared to you? They are better looking. They are talented. They have a better wardrobe. They have more money. Their life seems absolutely perfect without any problems at...

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Humanitarianism Test Blog

Fusce nec eros vel orci pulvinar posuere. Donec eu purus blandit nunc facilisis lacinia sed id dolor. Suspendisse et quam et sem facilisis hendrerit. Donec consequat nec tortor eget faucibus. In id auctor tortor, sed interdum erat. Suspendisse potenti....

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World Improvement Test Blog

Morbi at dictum lorem, sit amet pretium erat. Curabitur venenatis vel leo vel iaculis. Vivamus pellentesque urna in mi fringilla, et suscipit libero imperdiet. Sed vel arcu molestie, dignissim risus vitae, imperdiet mauris. Maecenas at arcu ac nibh hendrerit...

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Self-Improvement Test Blog

Duis venenatis, quam a tempor tempor, elit justo vulputate enim, eu semper est nisl sit amet turpis. Pellentesque posuere at augue tincidunt tincidunt. Sed sapien libero, dictum at mattis nec, condimentum nec enim. Donec nec enim vel lorem sollicitudin...

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There are struggles and hardships all around us – many we may not even be aware of.  Thankfully, there are causes and organizations to support that can help with life’s struggles.

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